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Chisel Plough


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Chisel Plough - OAI-01

Chisel Plough (OAI-01)

The Chisel Plough is primary tillage deep plough, working upto 20" to ensure development of crop root system at proper depth and environment. It is an ideal implement where top soil is fertile but subsoil is not productive. The Chisel Plough increases natural fertility of soil as deep tillage provides enough circulation of air, moisture, and sunlight into soil.

For full penetration in the first pass, a 50 to 85 hp tractor would be required. A medium (50hp) tractor will plough 12" in the first pass and full 20" depth will be attained in the second pass.

With only one central tine fitted it can work as a subsoiler and upto maximum depth for breaking of hard pan even with 50hp tractor. Yield per acre can be increased considerably by deep ploughing for wheat, cotton and sugar cane crops. Best fruit orchards growth is ensured by deep tillage before tree plantation. In rain-fed areas, the Chisel Plough is an ideal implement because without disturbing top soil it shatters the subsoil portion of land, maintaing moisture contents for longer periods and safeguarding against water and wind erosion of top soils.


Technical Specifications:


Heavy steel box V-type frame without any nut and bolt.


Three easily replaceable tines designed to penetrate upto 20" without much effort.


Shovels easily replaceable.


Working width 1.20 Meters.


Tractor compatibility. 50 - 85 hp.


Quick Links:

Chisel Plough


Swinging Draw Bar

Disc Plough

Mould Board Plough

Seed Drills

Multi-Purpose Rear Blade

Post Hole Digger

Offset Disc Harrow

Front Blade

Tine Tillers

Hydraulic Tipping Trailer


Next Implements:

Mould Board Plough

Mould Board Plough

Offset Disc Harrow

Offset Disc Harrow



Seed Drills

Seed Drills




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